Sale price€5,95

Korean Fine Wheat Noodles 900g | Sempio

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Wheat noodles, chewy and thin. Kneaded, wheat noodles with a nice, chewy texture.

1. Sempio's Chewy Thin Wheat Noodles are the thinnest of wheat noodles, almost like Vermicelli. 2. Sempio's chewy, thin wheat noodles are made through the vacuum-aged kneading method, a method developed by observing the ancient traditional way of kneading dough by hand, removing unwanted air and maturing the dough that it gives you a more maskier and more pleasant. texture. 3. Chewy, Thin Sempio Wheat Noodles Maintain their ease of texture and don't feel easily mushy or soggy, making them perfect for hot and cold broth dishes.

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